Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Grand 'Ol PushMa

Behold, the grand finale for the 2011 Zogi gathering... The Grand and Glorious PushMa (Held 18 June 2011)! After a fun week of cutt'n firewood in the mornings and various activities in the afternoons, we wanted to do something that Grandma would enjoy. So it was decided that a PushMa would be in fine order. For those that are unfamiliar, PushMa is a term allegedly coined by Uncle Steve for just as it implies; Pushing Ma (or the youngsters like me Grandma) around in her wheel chair. So we took her to a local Green Way and enjoyed the beautiful weather.

Pa, Sam, Ian, and Grandma preparing to embark on our journey.

That's strange... why isn't her Manservant (GrandPa) pushing? Guess, we have to give him a break every once in a while. 

Now here's a novel idea (evil grin). What we really need is to add some dog harnesses to Grandma's wheel chair and hook them up to these guys! A future Z.I.T. project perhaps?

The PushMa lasted about an hour and everyone had a great time, especially Grandma. 

Well, that concludes this years clan gathering. Next year will be interesting, with Sam heading off to bootcamp soon and I myself may be finishing off the Taliban in Afghanistan (Can that be done with paperwork?) Anyways, I'm sure that things will work out one way or another. 

Reporting from Zogi Southern Command

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Boys will be boys

Yesterday was actually a pretty busy day. Unfortunately we didn't take that many pictures because we had our hands full, but I will recount the day's activities none the less.

In the morning Pa and I ran over to Uncle Steve's house and assisted with the harvesting of a very large oak tree that fell on the North side of his property. To put this into perspective, Steve took a 32in saw and it failed to cut all the way through it in some spots, and it was solid most of the way through. So as Pa and Steve played with the gigantor pieces, Sam, Ian, Bill, Beth, and I worked on collecting all of the firewood sized pieces and hauled them up the hill. At the end I even got to play with the chain saw, which I haven't done in a few years (a nice reprieve from pushing paperwork).

Anyways after a few hours of slaving away with that we reached a stopping point and proceeded with souping up my ride. About a year ago a Jeep got in a fight with the tail end of my pickup. Considering the condition of the rest of the truck I just took the money and never fixed the mutilated bumper and trailer hitch assembly. So we took it over to Steve's chop shop and here is some of his body work... excellent if I may say so myself. 

Here's what she looks like now. (This picture was actually taken at Grandpa's house this morning.)

Now, that license plate, let me tell you! That is a fine piece of engineering from the Herzog Institute of Technology (H.I.T.)

As mentioned before, this is "ghetto rigged." We drilled a couple of holes in the license plate to mount screws in order to fasten it to the sheet metal, used a zip tie to help stabilize it and mounted the license plate light on the right hand side. (you can't see the hot glue and electrical tape holding that part together, it's rather commical.) Bottom line is this: It works and it was free! Kudos to Uncle Steve and Dad for their help on that project.

Well, after all that the kids went to the fair while Dad and I went gold prospecting. But before going it seems that everyone felt inclined to have a nap attack. The below picture is Grandma sneaking in for the kill, needless to say she had mercy and let her man servant live. After all, she needs someone to take care of the house chores.

Once we made our way on the trail Dad used is metal detector for a while on the way down until we made our way down to the stream an then started panning for gold and being eaten by mosquitoes. They didn't seem to bother dad as much, but both of my arms feel like bumpy, itchy roads from all the bites. Anyways, we didn't find much; all unrecoverable flakes, too small to bother with. We both had a good time, aside from the mosquitoes. After a few hours of being eaten we called it quits and trudged our way back through the forest of poison oak and got cleaned up for dinner.

Grandma and Grandpa are regulars at Jessie's and Friday is Taco night. So Steve and Michelle met up with us and we all enjoyed a evening of fine dining. It was all topped off with some strawberry cake, which was exceptionally good! In fact Steve, Michell, and I ordered a slice and once Pa caught sight of it felt compelled to order one too.

The evening was quietly ended with a game of chess between Pa and I. And let it be known that I defeated him! Sure, he beat me on the next game, but I finally beat my old man at chess and that's all I need. Haha, it was a real good time. Anyways, things are coming to a close (still one more day) for the 2011 Clan Gathering, but it has been a grand adventure that shall be continued for many years to come.

-Markus Out

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Rock & Roll!

ROLLer Coasters
The last two days have been quite the adventure. Yesterday we went to 6 Flags Discovery Kingdom (formally known as Marine World). We started off with a healthy breakfast at a local eatery known as Jessie's, I haven't eaten there since I was about Bill's age. The food was excellent and then we made the trip up to Aunt Jeanne and Uncle Lee's place and carpooled to the park. Here are a few photo's of the days activities.

Here's everyone, rolling in like Top Gun.

Look at these schmucks... would you trust them?! Uhhh.. NO.

 I think we are only missing Sonja and Jason.

I don't know if you'll be able to see them in the top left, but I didn't feel like going on this particular ride. Good thing too because they ended up being stuck for the better part of 15 min. It was quite funny to see the spoiled kids in the front rows throw a fit. :)

ROCK climbing
Today's activity was rock climbing. Uncle Steve was our instructor and everyone had a turn both climbing the rocks and repelling down them.

The ants go marching one-by-one HOORAHH!!!

What you don't see is the potential fall to your death right behind all of us. It's rather impressive, and you most certainly don't want to head down that way.

What's funny about where we climbed to day is that it very closely resembles the rockwall you'd find at a gym or fitness center. Oh and I believe that's Ian up on the slopes and Dad's finger causing the eclipse.

Uncle Steve even taught us how to the anchor which I really enjoyed, but boy is it a shoulder workout!

Look at that animal (Sam)

I think I can! I think I can! Ooooffff. This is Uncle Steve working his way up, despite the picture he made it over that ledge on the first try.

There are still two more days of fun-filled Herzog festivities. More to come later.... -OUT!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Live from Zogistan Central Command

Well the Zogis have arrived and festivities are in full swing at this year's Clan... I mean family gathering. Thus far, it has been helping Grandpa with various tree clearing and firewood gathering chores around the property followed by delicious BBQ delights in the afternoon. The above picture is my old man and it seems that he is about to go into a comatose after the Boulgogi (Korean BBQ and boy is it good!)

What you see here is the younger Zogi crowd playing our nationally adopted card game, BS. As it turns out Sam (the closest to the camera) is a is a lying scallywag!

More to come later - Out.